Collection: Morgan Meyer - The pupABLE Experience LLC
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Tired of the traditional 9-5 job and tired of dog products that just aren't up to the standard with what you want to give your dog, a mother and daughter teamed up to be the founders of The pupABLE Experience. They thought that they loved their dogs so much and want the best why not bring that into the business world for other people with their dogs. They came up with toys to help your dog get the stimulation they need, beds for your puppy to lay in, blankets to keep your dog warm, shampoo to clean your best friend and keep their fur clean and balm to help the poor dogs who have dry and cracked paws.
They search for the best ways to make everything playing around with new ideas, designs and ingredients. Their favorite thing to make are the enrichment balls they sell and the balm because making it makes their house smell of lavender and chamomile. They let their own dogs have one of every new product to test to and make sure not only do their babies love it but so will yours.